We are joining together with members from a dozen networks in the Tokyo community for a Full Day, And Evening, at Ueno Koen. This is the ultimate ‘Out Of Office’ activity for all players across the ecosystem to make valuable connections, spend some quality time with old friends and enjoy a few priceless moments of magic thanks to Mother Nature.
See FaceBook Event Here: https://www.facebook.com/tokyostartupsunited
We have a great lineup of partners and thrilled to welcome more groups to join the fun; forecasting plenty of “Sakura Smiles” and Yozakura Evening Networking to the sounds of shakuhachi and shamisen powered by umeshu and super-friendly folks.. 
Date: Tuesday, March 31st, 2015*
Location: Ueno Koen :: MAP**
Running Time: 10:00 – 22:00
Register for Updates
* Final weather confirm day before (Plan-B if required, April 3rd)
** Targeted in park location, see Google Street view maps [1][2]
10:00 – 12:00: Happy Hour.. @_@
12:00 – 17:00: Happy Hour, Part 2
17:00 – 22:00: Super.Happy.Hour!
Note: this is pot-luck style, so please pack along your own food and ‘beverages’ with a little extra to share. By all means, of course, bring along a few colleagues too: we look forward to see everyone – Smiling – there soon!

01Booster http://01booster.com
Akihabara News http://www.akihabaranews.com
Canadian Chamber of Commerce http://www.cccj.or.jp
Conyac https://conyac.cc
Disrupting Japan http://www.disruptingjapan.com
DoorKeeper http://www.doorkeeper.jp
Japan Today http://www.japantoday.com
Japan Venture Show http://japanventureshow.com
Justa https://justa.io
Mobile Monday Tokyo http://www.mobilemonday.jp
Tokyo Cheapo http://tokyocheapo.com
Tokyo Startups United https://www.facebook.com/tokyostartupsunited