Thanks to all for attending MoMo Tokyo on Dec. 3rd, we hope you enjoyed the Mobile TV theme & 2nd free drink on behalf of our generous sponsors.
As mentioned we are thrilled to co-organize, with the Mobile Content Forum, a special seminar series to be held on the afternoon of Friday Dec. 14th. Speakers information – note all presentations will be in Japanese – and advance registration is now available Here. Those who can’t make it during the day are still most welcome to attend the evening mixer afterwards. We look forward to see you there!
A quick shout-out to everyone we met during last weeks APAC adventure. We hit MoMo in Singapore, thanks to the good folks from iDA and location hosts at Microsoft, toured Kuala Lumpur over the week-end with RamG and Co. to conclude details for a major announcement regarding our 2008 Global Summit – details coming soon – and then off to Jakarta for the launch of Indonesia’s chapter. Andy and his team did an outstanding job pulling everything together for that and no doubt there will be plenty of photos coming online soon.
Thanks again for your kind hospitality and Welcome Aboard Indonesia..!!
Meanwhile, heading into year-end here and, aside from doing taxes, we are planning our events schedule, including a not-to-be-missed Shinnenkai for 2008. Stay tuned for more details.