What a year.. for those of you who have been here, and to many friends from overseas, our most sincere and humble thanks for your continued kind support during these difficult times. The Bonenkai season is upon us, but we’d suggest all the vodka in Russia – plus all the tequila in Mexico – would still not be nearly enough for us to ever forget 2011.
That said.. we have a super gathering planned, details below, and are looking forward to welcome you on Weds. Dec. 14th. There will be Plenty of food, more than enough ‘spirits’ and some great door prizes too, awaiting everyone at our year-end event. Special Thanks here to NAVTEQ for sponsoring and to our good friends at Bievanna for hosting this gig.
Date: Wednesday, December 14th from 7pm – 11pm
Venue: BierVana :: GMAP
Fee: 2,000 JPY – Registration Required – a serious deal, even at twice the price.. 😎
We have two local rising stars confirmed to give ‘lighting talks’ followed by hands-on demo action. The team from remembAR.me, winners at Tokyo Startup Weekend earlier this year, and Kabata-san from AdLib, aka @Kabayan of Bar Android fame, showing his ToneConnect application that just won Silicon Valley Award at A3 Together competition.
We’re also thrilled to welcome Ashish Bedekar, APAC Partner Relationship Manager, at NAVTEQ who will share details on the NAVTEQ Network for Developers which empowers application developers with the knowledge and resources needed to create the hottest, most differentiated location-based products. Access technical resources, support and business development services to build and market location apps for Web, mobile, automotive, GIS and enterprise markets worldwide. Join for free via www.NN4D.com.
— MoMo Tokyo Team.. Yoroshiku!