The Year of the Dog Greyhound has flown by and it’s time once again for Tokyo’s mobile community to come together for a well-deserved Kampai!

To finish off the year in style, here’s the bonenkai event plan!
We have booked a swank venue in Roppongi, and will offer each registered guest two (2) free drink tickets plus a light buffet. For those who would like a comfortable full-course dinner – on your own yen – the attached Flower Garden restaurant is sure to please. And since Santa can’t make it, we will also do a meishi prize draw (if your company would like to offer a give-away, pls. drop us a note via info [at] right away!).
For Mobile Monday global, 2006 will go down as the break-out year with 21 new cities launched – there are now 35 chapters worldwide. We are very pleased to announce that Jari Tammisto, CEO of Mobile Monday Oy, will be on hand to meet everyone and congratulate Tokyo for being the first affiliate location to debut events outside of MoMo’s birthplace in Helsinki Finland. 😎
While we’re on the topic of Finnish invasions, here’s a quick tip for an upcoming high-tech seminar in Tokyo on 4 December, sponsored by the Embassy of Finland, Invest in Finland, the Finland Trade Centre (FINPRO), the National Technology Agency of Finland (TEKES) and the Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI).
MoMo Tokyo has had another fantastic year here with 23 mobile experts having presented on stage, and the upcoming year-end party marks our 10th event. Our deepest thanks to the many kind supporters who make this possible, not least of which are our sponsors, the venue providers, the presenters, volunteers and – of course – all members of the Mobile Monday Tokyo community. Yoroshiku!
We look forward to seeing everyone on 11 December for Tokyo’s hottest, most insidery mobile networking event of the holiday season!
Robert Leonard Consulting and Jonckers Translation & Engineering
Date: Monday, 11 December 2006 :: 18:30 – 23:00
Venue: Roppongi Flower – GMAP
Admission: Free with registration (below) — OR — JPY1,000 at the door
Includes: 2 drink tickets with light buffet and prize draw!
18:30 – Doors Open
19:00 – Networking – Buffet
21:00 – Meshi Draw
22:30 – Last Call
23:00 – Close – Nijikai
Registration is now closed.. See you Monday Night!