Some 50 000 participants from more than 90 countries took part in World Congress on IT 2008 on May 18-22 in Kuala Lumpur. The MobileMonday Summit was for the first time an official part of the WCIT.
This year’s WCIT was quoted as the largest and best ever world congress – by any measure. MobileMonday’s global leader, Jari Tammisto, delivered a keynote in WCIT on “Changing Dynamics of Telecom Industry”. His keynote was attended by some 500 delegates and directly preceded the 3D Holographic presentation by Bill Gates!
Stating was a special feeling for all our 20+ MoMo chapter founders participating in KL, to see MoMo logo shining 20 stories high on the wall of the 50 floor skyscraper during the opening ceremonies” commented Tammisto, CEO of MobileMonday.
MobileMonday Summit consisted of founders day on May 18th, open Summit on 19th, and travel to state of Malacca on 20th. While Tammisto and Lars Cosh-Ishii (founder of MobileMonday Tokyo) also delivered speeches at the Malaysian Multimedia University in the Cyberjaya Research Park.