Start the Year with a Bang – Drinks, Pizza and Prizes!
We trust everyone had a great holiday season and getting back into the groove. It’s been awhile since our 10th Anniversary – an Awesome Cruise on Tokyo Bay – so we’re looking forward to see you all again soon. Bring a few friends and lots of business cards 😀
Date: Monday, January 19th, 2015
Venue: Two Dogs TapRoom :: MAP
Running Time: 19:00 – 23:00
Entry Fee: 2,500 JPY Registration Required = we’ll be sure there’s Plenty of Food
Includes: Free-Flow Drinks, Yummy Buffet with Wood Oven Pizza and Meishi Draw!

Great Big Cheers to Blippar and Millennial Media for their support on this event. Meanwhile, last call to take our 1-minute Survey, will share results by month-end.
– MoMo Tokyo Team