We hope you all had a Super Holiday and come back now rested & ready to for another hectic year. By all accounts the Tech-Tribes Bonenkai was a smashing success, with over 400 in the house and we raised 120,000jpy for the inaugural Beers for Bytes cause, many thanks to everyone who made that possible. Based on all the feedback, it does seem we should consider running more of these combined gatherings, maybe a Hanami hook-up this spring would be an idea?!?
Meanwhile, please do mark February 8th on your fancy new calendar and plan to join us at SuperDeluxe for the 1st ever Tokyo 2.0 x MoMo Tokyo joint event. We have a really great list of speakers for the keynote presentations and lightning talks – see below – with our full evening agenda, on Fixed Mobile Convergence, all locked down. As you might imagine it will be a rockin scene!

awesome Tokyo 2.0 image by Jim Grisanzio via Flickr
Keynote Presentations:
Marco Koeder – Cybermedia Japan
“Keep it vibrating” Lessons learned from Mobile Japan
Kei Shimada – Infinita
Mobile Web Convergence Overview
Hironao Kunimitsu – Gumi
Social Apps across Mobile and PC
Riku Inoue & Brad Ellis – Google Japan
Search Trends across platforms
Lightning Talks:
Daniel Davis – Opera Software
Passwords and Internet Security
DongYol Lee – Waaotn & Company, Ltd.
Accessibilty Issues and Mobile Web
Kenzo Kono – One developer’s story
Making WordPress Cross-Platform
Joseph Yan – MotherApp
BlogEngine – App-ify your Web Blog
Ruskyle Howser – R. L. Howser Communications
Effective Speaking at Tokyo 2.0 and MoMo Tokyo
Also, a quick heads-up for everyone on the annual i*deal Competition organized by Mitsui Ventures – Please note the application deadline has been extended to Jan. 29th!
Otherwise, 2010 marks the 10th anniversary of Mobile Monday and we have ambitious plans for the MoMo Global Summit and Peer Awards. There are several interesting projects in the pipeline, see The Mob Rulz for our global community news.. Yoroshiku!
— MoMo Tokyo Team
MoMo Tokyo x Tokyo 2.0 – Joint Event!
Date: Monday, 8 February 2010 :: 19:00 – 22:00
Venue: SuperDeluxe :: GMap
Admission: ¥2,000 at the door includes Two Drink tickets :: Registration Not Required