You’re invited to MoMo Tokyo’s 2nd Anniversary Event on 25 September 2006, at KDDI’s fabulous Designing Studio (freshly updated with touch & try examples of au’s newly announced handsets). We also look forward to introduce our new sponsor: Robert Leonard Consulting, who – along with continued support from Jonckers Translation & Engineering – make our Tokyo events possible. Huge Thanks to all for the last 2-years!
It’s our birthday, so we’ve decided to change the evening’s format from the usual presentations and present a special expert mobile panel, who will field your free-flow open-mike questions and provide fantastic insight based on the theme of “Japan Mobile: Past, Present and Future”
And since MoMo Tokyo is well into the ‘Terrible Twos’ era, we’ve decided that input from the local community would be in order to help us navigate direction of the community. Accordingly, we’ll ask you to fill out quick feedback form on arrival at the venue in exchange for the ever-popular ‘free’ drink ticket.
Finally, a quick follow-up to last month’s ‘The Heat is On’ event: thanks to the good folks from the eNews team at IFRA Germany who attended and, by all accounts, enjoyed their evening with MoMo followed by a super study week in Tokyo. Yoroshiku!
Special Guest Panel:
Tatsuki Tomita – VP for APAC Business Development – Opera Software
Tatsuki leads Asia/Pacific business development related to Opera’s browser for mobile handsets, PCs, and other networked devices. Opera’s browser adapts to varying screen sizes and input methods while enabling cross-device access to Web applications and dynamic user interfaces based on interoperable, open-Web technologies such as AJAX.
Joseph Jasper – Investor Relations – Index Group
The Index Group of companies develop dynamic mobile content and innovative service solutions that support the market penetration of 3G mobile phones, the spread of rich content and cooperative links between television broadcasting and mobile communications. The Index content distribution network extends across rapidly expanding and increasingly sophisticated mobile markets that include Asia, Europe and North America.
Ray Tsuchiyama – VP – Tegic Communications
Based in Tokyo, Ray Tsuchiyama serves currently as vice president for Tegic Communications, a wholly owned subsidiary of Time Warner Inc’s AOL unit. He currently directs emerging market development in the Asia-Pacific region (India, SE Asia) and Latin America, and formerly headed Japan and Greater China operations for Tegic.
Martyn Williams – Tokyo Bureau Chief – IDG News Service
Martyn has lived in Japan and followed this country’s IT and telecommunication industries since 1995. He was formerly a correspondent for Newsbytes News Network and Data Communications Asia Pacific magazine, and he currently reports for IDG’s magazines including Computerworld, PC World, Network World and Macworld.
Date: Monday, 25 September 2006 :: 18:30 – 22:30
Venue: KDDI Designing Studio – GMAP
18:30 – Doors Open
19:30 – Sponsor Introduction
19:45 – Panel Q & A
20:30 – Cake and ice cream Beer!
22:00 – Last call
22:31 – Nijikai at Elephant Cafe
Registration is now closed.. See you Monday Night!
See the post event update here!