As our birthday approaches yet again, your MoMo Tokyo organisers have been looking back over the years to note with satisfaction that we’ve held 24 events at ten different locations with 50 speakers – and there are just over 3,000 members in our database! It’s been a helluva ride – Yoroshiku!
It seems like a good time to look to the future, and we would like to ask the MoMo community in Tokyo to help us plot where we go from here.
What do you like about MobileMonday? And what can we do to improve the overall programme and scope of activities? Finally, how can we tweak our efforts to build a community that meets your networking and professional development needs – and helps you get a leg up in the mobile industry?
Please enter your comments via the contact form Here.
Since we will be heading to northern Finland for the 3rd (time lucky!) annual MobileMonday Global Summit on 10 September, suggestions and opinions about the onging evolution of the Tokyo chapter will reach an even wider audience when we share with our global partners what you report to us.
Japan-based companies who wish us to carry their promotional message and materials to Helsinki – for distribution to over 1,500 globally connected mobile thought leaders – should get in touch with us ASAP for full details.
We are planning our next event for October and will post the details once everything is set. Meanwhile, we would like to take this moment and thank everyone who has helped build this dynamic community. In true kaizen spirit we look forward to continue improving on our platform in the future!