Many Thanks to All who made it out for the June 11th event – Good Times! We have the presentations online for your reference, look forward to see everyone again soon.
Pardon the short notice.. but just managed to confirm that ‘company is coming’ so we thought it would be swell to get everyone together for a Super-Deluxe event June 11th

App Annie execs will speak at the annual IVS in Sapporo and are set to visit Tokyo for a few days en-route so we’re most fortunate to welcome them to our stage – First! If you don’t know the platform – check it out – you should; their service tracks and ranks the global app store economy providing accurate estimates on free vs. paid downloads and revenues, by category and country, for the iOS, Mac and Android ecosystems.
We are thrilled to have local reps for mLove Japan on-stage to share their upcoming event and honored to join Startup Weekend, Hack for Japan and Ishinomaki 2.0 for activities in Tohoku. Look forward to see you there – will be Great – bring a friend!
Date: Monday, 11th June, 2012
Running Time: 19:00 — 23:00
Venue: Super Deluxe :: GMAP
Fee: 1,000 JPY with Advance Registration – OR – 2,000 JPY at the door
Includes: 1-drink and fun evening with all the greatest mobile biz folks in Tokyo!
btw: hope you like our New Site.. it should render ‘pretty’ on any screen..
— MoMo Tokyo Team